Thursday, October 13, 2005

Don't Cha Wish Your Friends Were Wrong Like Me, Don't Cha

Well, classes today were pretty crazy. Won't go into super detail, but sometimes 204 is overly stressful. I enjoyed our discussions in 206, because I agree with a lot of what is said and it's really open for discussion and opinions. It's good. otherwise. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Z, man, I should've vlogged that, maybe later haha :) anyways, Mary and I are doing homework, though it may not seem like it according to this video, enjoy though ! haha. Still trying to come up with a file system/naming system I am gonna continue with Take.Three, etc. though this is vlogTWO according to the file, not sure which i like better yet, once I figured it out you'll know :) COMMENT FREELY!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

No Longer A Vlogger Virgin

well, here it is my first vlogs. The first take really sucked, and I had a hard time getting the screen shots for the video, so the first take, that whole picture didn't occur. I sound like an uber retard, but it's the first time i have ever done this kind of thing, so take it or leave it, hopefully at some point i can get some friends and stuff on video and have a good time, but for now, i just decided to test run the whole vlog thing, enjoy my retardedism

CLICK THE TAKE.ONE and the TAKE.TWO to see the vids!




i may try video blogging tonight.....

Wow, Bloggin, I never knew how fun it could be.
